The core theme for the NCCE Open House marketing collateral was the cover graphic used for the documentary film, The Blueprint, The Story of Adventist Education, created by Journey Films and Martin Doblmeier for the Center for Research on K-12 Adventist Education at La Sierra University (CRAE).
Both the cover graphic and the Moving Hearts & Minds Upward title (the title of the CognitiveGenesis four-year study of 52,000 students at 800 Adventist schools) was used with enthusiastic permission from Journey Films and CRAE. The text body and charts/tables were gleaned and adapted, with permission, from several North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Office of Education marketing materials.

Outdoor Banners — Five (5) of the 19 banners (2-foot × 4-foot) installed throughout the campus grounds—designed both for marketing purposes, and as a reminder to the students, parents, and staff as to the values the school holds important and hopes to instill into the students.

Outdoor Banners — Two (2) of the completed banners displayed in front of the school entrance.

Poster and External Advertising — Left to Right, "Three-Column" Newspaper Ad, displayed in the Napa Valley Register; 11-inch × 17-inch Poster, commercially printed; full-page Magazine Ad, displayed in the Napa Valley Marketplace magazine.

Marketing Brochure — 8.5-inch × 11-inch 20-page brochure, commercially printed, detailing facts, statistics, and mission of the school and advantages of Seventh-day Adventist education.

Postcard — 5-inch × 7-inch postcard, commercially printed.

Day-of-Event Flyer — 8.5-inch × 11-inch flyer, providing instructions/checklist for prospective students, returning students, and events for everyone to attend. Campus map (more detailed than the back cover of the brochure) lists offices and classrooms for event and facility use.

Constituent Church Advertising — Left to Right, 5.5-inch × 8.5-inch flyer, printed in-house to be distributed to the local constituent churches to be inserted into their worship service programs/bulletins; graphic to be displayed on-screen for those churches with a projection system, sized to a standard Microsoft PowerPoint slide, 10-inches × 7.5-inches.