LEO's Haven at Chanticleer Park (website) is the continuing effort of a local family to have an inclusive playground installed within the county to provide opportunities for play, education, and therapy of children with disabilities, as well as children with disabled parents to play as a family.
Upon receiving support of the necessary government agencies, the logo creation, magazine, and remittance envelope shown in this project are the beginning efforts for the fundraising necessary to build the playground. The core concept for the content of the magazine, as developed by the project's certified fundraising expert, was to connect potential donors and sponsors with the stories and lives of the people founding the project, as well as the stories and lives of those who would eventually reap the benefits of an inclusive playground.
Other Credits:
Photography — Kent Cabreira Photography, Neil Simmons Photography
Commercial Printing — Comark Direct
Site Plans and 3D CAD Images — Shane's Inspiration (via Landscape Structures, Inc.), SSA Landscape Architects
Photography — Kent Cabreira Photography, Neil Simmons Photography
Commercial Printing — Comark Direct
Site Plans and 3D CAD Images — Shane's Inspiration (via Landscape Structures, Inc.), SSA Landscape Architects

Logo for the Playground and Project — The project co-founders/client specified that the logo be clean, simple, and easy to read; use historic/farm colors using blue, green, and brown; be transferable to grayscale (black and white); carefully demonstrate disability without using the actual International Symbol of Access (ISA). The client also provided several logo examples using abstract people shapes. The final logo depicts two people/children playing with another person/child that is wheelchair-bound—similar to the client's own family. The final logo provides an alternate design, adding the project's development and fiscal sponsor's logo at the bottom of the main playground/project logo, as well as the requested black and white versions of the logo for the client to use.

Magazine, Front and Back Covers — The entire logo and magazine project was coordinated by a certified fundraising expert who selected photos for the covers from a professional photo shoot—demonstrating the ability of an inclusive playground to allow children of any abilities to play together.

Magazine, Letters of Support (LOS) Spread — Letters of Support from local and government agencies are integral to this type of project, providing potential donors a secure knowledge that the project is viable. The client insisted the necessity of including the full official letter from the county's Board of Supervisor's—lending to the concept of a pile of letters laying on a desk, while quotes from other government and other agencies continue in a smaller boxed format.

Magazine, Center Spread — The first half of the magazine details the project background, park history, concept development, and letters of support. The center spread of the magazine makes a transition to the second half, which details equipment and financials of each sections of the park, culminating in the last page listing donor and sponsorship opportunities. The center spread highlights the playground site plan, provided by the development and fiscal sponsor, which was then merged with the overall park site plan faded into the background. For reference the overall park site plan is shown, with the playground site plan colored, showing location and size. Significant work was required to layer the various files together, as some files were vectorized CAD files with text descriptors and without layers, and other files with rasterized CAD files with partial layers. To show a clean and concise plan, it was necessary to develop additional layers by duplicating layers and erasing or fading elements (e.g., other areas of the park outside of the playground, horizontal distance between equipment, text descriptors, etc.).

Magazine, Age 5–12 Play Area Spread — Each of the four (4) primary sections of the playground received similar treatment: Text description, modified site plan (colored to only reference discussed area), 3D mock up images provided by the development and fiscal sponsor (designed by the equipment manufacturer), section financials, and photographic examples of various pieces of playground equipment within that section.

Magazine, 18-page Inside Spreads — From Left to Right: Purpose of the playground and name selection, introduction of the project by the magazine editor and certified fundraising expert, initial concept for the park by the founding family, park history, letters of support (three (3) pages), personal story, playground site plan and miniature park site plan (two (2) page center spread), playground sections (five (5) pages, personal stories (two (2) pages), and donor/sponsorship opportunities.

Remittance Envelope, #6 3/4 Size — Envelope duplicates elements from the donor/sponsorship page of the magazine, commercially printed and stitched in the center spread of the magazine.